Social capital theory in online impulse buying
Abstract: This study examines the influence of affective and reactive factors, as well as two mediators of consumers' online impulse buying behavior in social commerce, by following the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) paradigm, social capital theory, and flow theory. Social interactions and content are important stimuli on social networking websites. Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buying This study examines the influence of affective and reactive factors, as well as two mediators of consumers' online impulse buying behavior in social commerce, by following the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) paradigm, social capital theory, and flow theory. online impulse buying by specifically analyzing the social impact of the channel itself in creating and harmonizing the appropriate (socially constructed) atmosphere (Parboteeah, 2005). Online Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buying This upwards trend results from easy access to products, easy purchasing, lack of social pressure, and an absence of delivery effort ( Verhagen & van Dolen, 2011 ). Hsu MH, Chang CM, Chuang LW (2015) Understanding the determinants of online repeat purchase intention and moderating role of habit: the case of online group-buying in Taiwan. Int J Inf Manag 35(1):45–56 CrossRef Google Scholar Huang LT (2016) Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buying. Online social capital: Understanding e-impulse buying in practice Still, human and retailing technology interactions are rarely evaluated from a social practice perspective. This article explores the potential impact of socially constructed e-atmospherics on impulse buying. The questionnaire was constructed for capturing urge to buy impulsively (UBI) consisting sixteen items and two items for the E-impulse buying i.e., actual impulse purchase in online context. This questionnaire also includes some demographic questions such as gender, age, income, education and occupation to capture the respondents’ demography.
This study examines the influence of affective and reactive factors, as well as two mediators of consumers' online impulse buying behavior in social commerce, by following the
Hsu MH, Chang CM, Chuang LW (2015) Understanding the determinants of online repeat purchase intention and moderating role of habit: the case of online group-buying in Taiwan. Int J Inf Manag 35(1):45–56 CrossRef Google Scholar Huang LT (2016) Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buying. Online social capital: Understanding e-impulse buying in practice Still, human and retailing technology interactions are rarely evaluated from a social practice perspective. This article explores the potential impact of socially constructed e-atmospherics on impulse buying. The questionnaire was constructed for capturing urge to buy impulsively (UBI) consisting sixteen items and two items for the E-impulse buying i.e., actual impulse purchase in online context. This questionnaire also includes some demographic questions such as gender, age, income, education and occupation to capture the respondents’ demography. This article explores the potential impact of socially constructed e-atmospherics on impulse buying. A framework with three interrelated factors, namely social acoustic, co-construction and mundane language enactment is analysed. The way these allow for e-social norms to organically emerge is elaborated through a set of propositions.
This article explores the potential impact of socially constructed e-atmospherics on impulse buying. A framework with three interrelated factors, namely social acoustic, co-construction and mundane language enactment is analysed. The way these allow for e-social norms to organically emerge is elaborated through a set of propositions.
Drawing on the theories of social influence theory, and uses and gratifications theory, consumers' online impulse buying behavior in social commerce sites. showed that there is an association between impulse buying, social capital, peer. ABSTRACT: given the rapidly increasing popularity of online impulse buying using digital platforms Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buy- ing . Online impulse buying could harm someone financially and psychologically. An additional descriptive analysis applying the Terror Management Theory " Online social capital: Understanding e-impulse buying in practice," Journal of 23 May 2018 Keywords: E-impulse buying, user interface design, user experience, buying Flow and Social Capital Theory in Online Impulse Buying. e-impulse buying behaviour of Generation Y consumers. Huang, L.-T. (2016) Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buying, Journal of Business.
The questionnaire was constructed for capturing urge to buy impulsively (UBI) consisting sixteen items and two items for the E-impulse buying i.e., actual impulse purchase in online context. This questionnaire also includes some demographic questions such as gender, age, income, education and occupation to capture the respondents’ demography.
Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buying This upwards trend results from easy access to products, easy purchasing, lack of social pressure, and an absence of delivery effort ( Verhagen & van Dolen, 2011 ). Hsu MH, Chang CM, Chuang LW (2015) Understanding the determinants of online repeat purchase intention and moderating role of habit: the case of online group-buying in Taiwan. Int J Inf Manag 35(1):45–56 CrossRef Google Scholar Huang LT (2016) Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buying. Online social capital: Understanding e-impulse buying in practice Still, human and retailing technology interactions are rarely evaluated from a social practice perspective. This article explores the potential impact of socially constructed e-atmospherics on impulse buying. The questionnaire was constructed for capturing urge to buy impulsively (UBI) consisting sixteen items and two items for the E-impulse buying i.e., actual impulse purchase in online context. This questionnaire also includes some demographic questions such as gender, age, income, education and occupation to capture the respondents’ demography. This article explores the potential impact of socially constructed e-atmospherics on impulse buying. A framework with three interrelated factors, namely social acoustic, co-construction and mundane language enactment is analysed. The way these allow for e-social norms to organically emerge is elaborated through a set of propositions. However, existing researches regarding online impulse buying are mainly from the psychological state of the environment, which lacks research linking to customers’ personality characteristics. Furthermore, the sustainable growth of online shopping is largely attributed to consumers’ loyalty, and understanding consumer behavior is one of the keys to maintaining consumers’ loyalty.
Hsu MH, Chang CM, Chuang LW (2015) Understanding the determinants of online repeat purchase intention and moderating role of habit: the case of online group-buying in Taiwan. Int J Inf Manag 35(1):45–56 CrossRef Google Scholar Huang LT (2016) Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buying.
Keywords: Virtual Communities; Relational Capital Trust; Impulse Buying. 1. Deis, 2010). Online social networking site typically involves a collection of user profiles Theoretical support took for this study by the social identity theory. Social Drawing on the theories of social influence theory, and uses and gratifications theory, consumers' online impulse buying behavior in social commerce sites. showed that there is an association between impulse buying, social capital, peer. ABSTRACT: given the rapidly increasing popularity of online impulse buying using digital platforms Flow and social capital theory in online impulse buy- ing . Online impulse buying could harm someone financially and psychologically. An additional descriptive analysis applying the Terror Management Theory " Online social capital: Understanding e-impulse buying in practice," Journal of 23 May 2018 Keywords: E-impulse buying, user interface design, user experience, buying Flow and Social Capital Theory in Online Impulse Buying.
Online social capital: understanding e-impulse buying in practice By Ronan Jouan de Kervenoael, D. Selcen O. Aykaç, D. Selcen O. Aykac and Mark Palmer No static citation data No static citation data Cite online impulse buying behavior. Although consumers’ online impulse buying behavior in traditional e-commerce websites can be well explained by this research model, its ability to illustrate the behavior of users on SCPs is limited. As an integration of social media and online commerce activities, social relationship con-structs 2.1.